Other Sites

  1. A Selected Guide to Shakespeare on the Internet

    Compiled by Hardy M. Cook, Editor of SHAKSPER.

  2. Arts and Humanities Digital Service

    This database AHDS Performing Arts includes a section on the topic: Designing Shakespeare, with RSC productions since 1965.

  3. Bardbox

    Bardbox collects the best original Shakespeare videos on YouTube and other hosts: animations, parodies, recitations, auditions, promos, productions, etc. Video may have date, credits, cast, duration, description, comment, link.

  4. Bardweb

    Bardweb, edited by J.M. Pressley, is a Shakespeare resource center that combines information and links.

  5. Biographical Index of English Drama Before

    David Kathman has provided "a complete annotated list of all playwrights, actors, patrons, musicians, and miscellaneous other people active in English drama before 1660.

  6. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft

    Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft is the oldest Shakespeare society in existence.

  7. Electronic Shakespeare: Resources for Researchers

    Including US and Canadian Shakespeare Festivals and Companies ( Rosalind Tedford)

  8. Encyclopedia Britannica's Shakespeare and The Globe: Then and Now

    an extensive look at the life and times of Shakespeare

  9. Folger Shakespeare Library

    This is the most accessible approach to a major collection of performance materials requiring special procedures to enter fully.

  10. Global Shakespeares

    Global Shakespeares Video & Performance Archive provides access to performances of Shakespeare from many parts of the world as well as essays.

  11. Henslowe-Alleyn: Home

    Dulwich College, London, holds papers of actor Edward Alleyn (1566-1626) & his father-in-law Philip Henslowe (d. 1616): an important archive on theatres of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, Middleton, etc.

  12. Internet Shakespeare Editions

    This University of Victoria (B.C.) site include texts of Shakespeare's plays and poems; explorations of Shakespeare's life and works, and his plays' performance. The reference section includes maps, a chronology, bibliographies, and links

  13. JSTOR Understsanding Shakespeare

    Connects digital texts from the Folger Shakespeare Library with articles on JSTOR. Requires an institutional subscription to JSTOR.

  14. McKellan, Sir Ian

    Personal comments, extensive information, over 200 stage productions 1950 to today starring, featuring the renowned actor, including much Shakespeare, Marlowe,etc.

  15. Milton Revealed

    A collaborative project to collect audio-visual materials related to John Milton and his work, developed by Hugh Richmond originally for the Townsend Digital Humanities Lab.

  16. Playshakespeare.com

    This site seeks a broad coverage of contemporary Shakespearean interests and discussions.

  17. Portraits of Actors, 1720-1920

    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has a collection of 3,500 theatre images. Search also for their Motley Collection of Theatre and Costume Design.

  18. Robert Teeter's Shakespeare page

    This site provides links to a wide variety of Shakespeare sites, some concerned with performance, at the Globe, etc.

  19. Royal Shakespeare Company

    This access provides substantial data on RSC history. To uncover Shakespearean production history check "Explore" in the top options.

  20. SCETI: Horace Howard Furness Shakespeare Collection

    The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text (University of Pennsylvania Library) has Shakespeare images collected by scholar H. H. Furness. Click on "Furness Collection of Theatrical Images" at bottom of homepage title.

  21. Shakespeare & the Players

    This collection by Harry Rusche of Emory University gathers postcards of Victorian and Edwardian performers of Shakespeare with background data.

  22. Shakespeare Art Museum

    This site has numerous links about performance.

  23. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford

    This site covers resources concerning Shakespeare specifically in Stratford-on-Avon, U.K.

  24. Shakespeare Illustrated

    This developing site surveys the most notable illustrations of Shakespeare scenes from many galleries, many by well-known artists.

  25. Shakespeare in Performance at the University of Victoria.

    The site includes a revised electronic text of Shakespeare on Screen: An International Filmography and Videography by K. Rothwell et al., and many pictures.

  26. Shakespeare on Film & Video: Books in the UC Berkeley Library

    A Shakespeare film bibliography from the Library of the University of California, Berkeley.

  27. Shakespeare Quartos Archive

    About half of Shakespeare's plays were printed in quarto during his lifetime and they offer the earliest evidence of what Shakespeare wrote and how it first appeared on the early modern English stage

  28. Shakespeare's Globe Center (USA)

    Center for Globe Research -- Home ... Promoting activities that encourage people to see Shakespeare's work as works of theatre

  29. Shakespearean Stage History from 1660 onwards (Bradley Berens)

    This introduction to Shakespearean stage history is a bibliography focudsed on accounts of theatrical, cinematic and televised versions or appropriations of the plays.

  30. Shaksper, the international electronic conference

    Shakesper is the international electronic conference for Shakespearean researchers, instructors, and students, via a moderated mailing list edited by Hardy M. Cook.

  31. Sites on Shakespeare and the Renaissance (Michael Best)

    This site covers major Shakespeare sites, and specifically: Performance, Actors, Individual plays, Movies, Stage and performance history, The Globe.

  32. talkin' broadway

    Talkin'Broadway provides news, interactive discussion, and information on Broadway, and current theatre in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago & other USA cities. Type Shakespeare play name into Search.

  33. The Cleveland Press Shakespeare Photographs: 1870-1982

    This primarily regional collection of illustrations of Shakespeare performances also includes many by international celebrities.

  34. The Shakespeare Society of the Low Countries

    The Shakespeare Society of the Low Countries is a useful resource for scholars interested in Shakespeare

  35. The Yorck Project

    Directmedia has provided the York Project DVD, "10,000 Masterpieces of Painting"and their metadata, to the Wikimedia Commons community: they are now available as "The Yorck Project," and include many items about Shakespeare performance.

  36. Theatre and performance

    The Victoria and Albert Museum has just opened (2009) its Theatre and Performance Galleries which contain many images of British theatrical history.

  37. Touchstone

    Database access to descriptions of UK Shakespeare collections and online catalogues: The Shakespeare Institute Library / The Shakespeare Centre Library/ Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office / Birmingham Central Library

  38. World Shakespeare Bibliography | John Hopkins University Press

    This bibliography provides a database of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions 1960-2009 with references & summaries. Access is through personal or institutional membership.

Please offer comments and suggestions on any aspects the site to: Director Hugh Richmond at richmondh77@gmail.com. See samples at the site Blog.

Except where otherwise specified, all written commentary is © 2016, Hugh Macrae Richmond.

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