Shakespeare Relocated

Hugh Richmond

                                           Shakespeare Relocated :  Studies in Historical Psychology

                                             Hugh M. Richmond,  New York; Bern:  Peter Lang, 2018.

            "Hugh Richmond adds to some of  his previous published essays to illustrate the development of modern attitudes to religion, politics and sexuality. He traces the complex evolution from classical and medieval sources to Reformation and Renaissance ones by reviewing literary themes, style, and attitudes. He stresses Shakespeare's unique place in this evolution in Historical Psychology as an author profoundly affected by the Reformation. This study of developing sensibility employs a method of critical analysis bridging the apparent gap between scholarly research and practical criticism, and transcending the discontinuities and tensions in modern literary theory. He seeks to harmonize the critical alertness of the New Critics with the traditional scholarship of their opponents, while avoiding the narrowness of many fashionable modern methodologies such as the New Historicism, Neo-Freudianism, Radical Feminism, etc. This historical perspective involves a comparative critical procedure defined as "Syncretic Criticism." It combines close reading and a comprehensive historical perspective over previous literary analogues, in order to identify distinctive progressions towards many modern attitudes about politics, morality, sexuality, and fashion." 



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